Can ParaGuard be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?
ParaGuard is not safe to be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Please consult with our nutritionists for alternative safe options to explore during these sensitive stages.
Can I use this product as a cleanse if I'm currently not experiencing any digestive discomfort?
Yes, ParaGuard may be used to cleanse the digestive tract either once or twice a year. See the exact dosage on the inside cover of the ParaGuard box listed under Mild Support.
Should ParaGuard be taken with food or rather on an empty stomach?
ParaGuard is best taken on an empty stomach. However, if that is too difficult or not practical, it is also beneficial when taken with food.
Should I be on any special diet while taking ParaGuard?
When one is trying to cleanse their digestive tract (or support health in general) it is crucial to avoid sugar as much as possible. It is also important to focus on drinking enough water while on ParaGuard, especially if you are experiencing diarrhea from the die off.
Are there any other supplements that should be taken while using ParaGuard?
Yes, as we are looking to cleanse the system and strengthen it, taking a potent probiotic formula, such as Biodophilus, is highly recommended. One should wait at least 2 hours between the ParaGuard and probiotics for best results. If taking so many supplements daily is too difficult, one can wait until finishing with the ParaGuard before starting with the probiotics.
What are die-off symptoms, and can they be expected while taking ParaGuard?
A Herxheimer reaction, also known as die-off symptoms, can be uncomfortable. Symptoms may include diarrhea, nausea, fever, chills, and sweating. Die-off symptoms are a sign of real deep cleansing, and these symptoms generally do not last for too long. While the majority of people do not experience severe die-off symptoms while using ParaGuard, if you are experiencing any of the aforementioned, lowering the dose may be helpful. You can call our nutritional hotline at 212-444-9936 for further guidance, or you can email ask@zahlers.com. If you are experiencing swelling, dizziness or high fever, stop taking the product immediately and consult with your healthcare practitioner.
How often should I use the ParaGuard as a cleanse?
The answer depends on your diet, lifestyle and level of intestinal health. Generally, taking the Mild Dosage of ParaGuard once or twice a year is recommended.
From what age can children take ParaGuard?
Children from 3 years of age can start taking the ParaGuard, although at a smaller dose. Please refer to the inside of the cover of the box for exact dosing instructions.
How do I know if I need the Mild Dosage or the Intensive Dosage of the ParaGuard?
The Mild Dosage is for individuals who just want a general cleanse, while the Intensive Dosage is for those who are experiencing sluggish digestion and/or digestive discomfort. If you are not sure which dosage to work with, start with the Mild Dose and see how it goes. If you see you're experiencing die-off symptoms, then go up to the Intensive Dosage. If all goes well, then after 10 days you can stop with the ParaGuard (as per Mild Dosage instructions).
How long can I continue ParaGuard for?
ParaGuard can be taken for up to a month at a time and can be taken up to two to three times a year, as needed. If you feel you need to take it for a longer period of time, reach out to our nutritionist for guidance on how to boost and strengthen your system. Reach out to 877-ASK-ZAHLER or ask@zahlers.com.
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